360 : $22.16
A2M : $5.84
AFI : $7.45
AGL : $11.56
AIA : $6.63
ALD : $27.91
ALL : $58.11
ALQ : $14.11
ALX : $4.98
AMC : $16.54
ANN : $31.32
ANZ : $31.26
ARG : $8.84
ASX : $66.82
AZJ : $3.45
BEN : $12.13
BHP : $42.18
BKW : $27.70
BOQ : $6.91
BRG : $33.36
BSL : $21.39
BXB : $18.63
CAR : $37.10
CBA : $141.23
CGF : $6.06
COH : $286.59
COL : $17.89
CPU : $26.40
CSL : $294.64
CWY : $2.87
EBO : $33.09
EDV : $4.74
EVN : $5.26
FMG : $19.53
FPH : $33.73
GQG : $2.71
HUB : $67.04
HVN : $4.60
IAG : $7.51
IFT : $11.46
IGO : $5.27
IPL : $3.11
JBH : $78.60
JHX : $51.64
LYC : $7.52
MEZ : $5.45
MIN : $37.72
MPL : $3.67
MQG : $233.06
NAB : $38.65
NEM : $86.53
NHC : $4.92
NIC : $0.95
NST : $17.47
NWL : $27.67
NXT : $17.26
ORG : $9.66
ORI : $17.84
PLS : $2.76
PME : $187.49
PMV : $31.53
PNI : $19.16
PRU : $2.95
QAN : $7.54
QBE : $17.23
QUB : $3.78
REA : $227.85
REH : $26.41
RHC : $41.75
RIO : $118.54
RMD : $35.92
RWC : $5.68
S32 : $3.63
SDF : $5.40
SEK : $25.01
SFR : $10.78
SHL : $26.71
SOL : $34.66
SPK : $2.70
SQ2 : $110.64
STO : $6.93
SUN : $18.23
SVW : $42.53
TLC : $5.04
TLS : $3.84
TLX : $21.04
TNE : $24.41
TPG : $4.65
TWE : $11.55
VEA : $2.67
VNT : $4.65
WBC : $31.92
WDS : $24.61
WES : $69.57
WHC : $6.72
WOR : $14.57
WOW : $32.60
WTC : $108.71
XRO : $148.62
YAL : $6.46

Who provides us with information about you?

Our primary source of information about you is yourself. If you choose to use a professional service provider such as an accountant or adviser, then they may also supply information to us about you.

What information do we collect about you?

We need certain information about you in order to provide the services you’ve requested. The list below is a sample of the data we need from you, it’s not exhaustive, but is indicative:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Tax File Number(s)
  • Bank transaction records

We try not to collect more information than what is reasonably required for us to be able to provide the services you’ve requested. We also abide by the relevant restrictions required by government regulation; whether that be to collect, not collect, discard, or not discard information.

How do we use the information and data you provide to us?

We use your information in order to provide the services you’ve requested from us. We aim to provide a high quality, accurate service and in order to do this we need the information we ask for. We issue an account and password to you and it is a prerequisite for you to provide certain personal information to us prior to this access being granted to you: this assists us in maintaining the security of our website. We will only disclose your information for the purposes you disclosed it to us. In some circumstances, it is reasonable to expect that we may disclose your information (or part of) to a third party without your permission, as and if required by us, in order for us to provide some part of our service to you. As required by law or a regulatory body, or with your permission, it is also reasonable to expect us to disclose your personal information to professional service providers that provide services in connection with our service, e.g. your nominated financial adviser or accountant.

How do we keep your data and information accurate?

Wealthtrac is an online service provider and, as such, we give you superb access to your information. In general you are the best placed person to know whether your personal data is inaccurate or out of date. If required, you easily can update your data using our website. Wealthtrac will keep your data as accurate as can be reasonably expected of us. If we become aware of a data or information integrity issue we will do our best to update it or bring it to your attention.

How secure is your data and information?

At Wealthtrac we take the security of data and information as our most important commitment to you. Access to your information is limited to those staff delivering services to you and, as can be reasonably expected by us, in the delivery of services on your behalf. We also take reasonable steps to prevent the misuse or unlawful disclosure of your data and information to third parties by our staff. We extend this obligation, by written contract, to any provider of services to us that we may choose to use. The technologies we use are correctly applied in accordance with best practices. Wealthtrac takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that access to your data and information is restricted to those with password access.

How can you access your information?

To access your information you should login to the Wealthtrac website. All of the information we currently have about you is displayed for you to review online and you can access it at your discretion. Occasionally, access may be denied or delayed due to technological issues or for legal reasons. In such instances we will publish details of the issue on the website and give our best estimation of when normal access will be resumed. Access to the website pages that deliver our services are strictly password protected. At all times keep your password and login private and secure. To be given a replacement password you should contact us directly and, after an identity check, we may issue another to you. Wealthtrac will never request your password via email, telephone, post, or by any other method.

Will Wealthtrac place information on my computer?

Wealthtrac may install cookies on your computer. Cookies are tiny files that store your activity when visiting a website. Almost all websites will install cookies on your computer.

Wealthtrac uses cookies to manage:

  • The web pages you visit within the Wealthtrac service (traffic monitoring);
  • To maintain your login status (not your login details); and
  • To let us know what technology you’ve accessed the website from (type of computer or device). The information collected by cookies is used to improve the performance of our website and the services it offers. We do not use cookies to collect information about you or other websites you may have visited. The information collected cannot be used to identify you personally. You can use your browser settings to stop cookies being installed, however, this may adversely affect your access to our website.

When and how do we discard your information?

Your data and information will be retained by us as required by the applicable laws. Once this period has expired it is reasonable to expect that your information and data will be deleted and/or destroyed in an appropriate and secure manner.

Laws and limitations

Wealthtrac respects the obligations we have under the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles. Wealthtrac does not accept responsibility for the policies, procedures, practices, and content of other websites to which we may provide links.